Thursday 1 September 2011

焼き物新作 / new ceramics

やきもの新作できました。 日本からイギリスに戻るぎりぎりに線だけ描いてたやつで、それにちひろが色塗ってくれて焼いてくれました。 やっぱ血つながってるからか、塗ってほしい色に塗ってくれたわ〜

New ceramic works! They are ceramics which I have drawn only outlines just before I come back to UK. my sister Chihiro painted for me!

She painted those absolutely how I wanted!! Now I understand we got same blood in our body..




Chihiro " what the hell is this? is this suppose to be a dolphin? I bet nobody wants this."
My dad "yea nobody."

The conversation between my sister, my dad, and this ceramic.

半魚人 イン ソックス
half fish man in the socks

his friend.

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